Wednesday, October 21, 2009


~~~~free postage for this coming DEC~~~

u can select the masks according to your preference and ur skin condition ;)


金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜 Marigold Extract Mask

將多種植物性保濕成分以及金盞花萃取液注入在精華液中, 在敷臉的過程,能使多種保濕成分以及養分充分滋潤肌膚完全滲透至肌膚深層,使肌膚充滿彈性和水嫩的光澤感

Marigold Extract mask contains the hydrating essence of the Marigold flower. The mild flower fragrance also provides an aromatherapy effect, leaving you rejuvenated.

熊果素亮白無暇面膜 Arbutin Extract Mask

Arbutin prevents the formation of melanin, the black pigmentation that forms freckles and scars on our bodies. It also improves skin elasticity and uneven skin tone and correct skin dullness.

頂級玻尿酸保濕面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate Mask

Hydrates the skin, Sodium Hyaluronate combats uneven skin tone and promotes cell regeneration

左旋C淨白面膜 Levorotary C Mask

Levorotary C is a type of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has the ability to restore glow and eliminate dark pigmentations. Its high anti-oxidation activity also smoothen out wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.

埔里酒粕純米吟釀 Sake-Kojic Extract Mask
使肌膚清透白皙並能促進肌膚的新陳代謝,改善肌膚方面等等問題,因為含有豐富的 pitera 可使肌膚更光滑細緻

Sake-kojic is also known as red wine. Having lots of anti-oxidants, it moisturizes and brightens the skin, and also improves the skin elasticity.

特濃紅酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Polyphenols Masks
紅酒多酚是從紅酒中萃取出,具有高度的抗氧能力,紅酒多酚可讓肌膚恢復明亮、白晰光澤 因此,將紅酒多酚用於保養品及面膜中,對於美眉而言,紅酒中的鈣、鎂、鉀、鐵,都能讓妳常保氣色紅潤

provide whitening and hydrating effects. Hydration keeps the skin young, thereby achieving anti-aging effect.

Q10膠原蛋白緊膚面膜 Q10 Collagen Mask

Improves skin elasticity, moisturizes and lighten skin, promotes cell regeneration

珍珠粉蛋白面膜 Pearl Extract Mask

Pearl Powder is often sold in traditional chinese medicine stores, its usefulness can be seen almost in every aspect, from calming an afraid baby to improving skin conditions. Pearl taken from the oysters in the sea is grounded into powder, and then subsequently mixed with other goodness to come up with this mask. It improves skin elasticity, hydrates skin and correct uneven skin tone.

Its hydrating and moisturising power is much to be raved for, very suitable for people with dry skin.

牛奶亮白保濕面膜 Milk Mask
牛 奶中含豐富的蛋白質、維生素A、B,E,可緊實肌膚,恢復彈性。而牛奶中的天然醣類再搭配保濕劑,對於保濕有極佳的效果,長期使用肌膚會更明亮透白溫和的 牛奶香~完美乳清蛋白,敷在臉上可以立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題使肌膚重現完美,柔細光滑,白皙細膩,增加肌膚彈性。保濕、舒緩,平滑及明亮膚色 多項功效,讓肌膚滑嫩透明感,嫩白柔細

Milk is good for both internally, and externally. Wondered why some girls wash their hair with milk, soak themselves in milk baths and drink a glass of milk everyday? The milk mask improves dull and rough skin, moisturizes and hydrates the skin so as to restore the elasticity and most importantly, WHITENS the skin.

净化调理面膜 Iris Extract Mask

The Iris Extract Mask is a purifying mask that controls oil secretion, making skin clearer and smoother. Apart from that, it also helps to reduce pore size. This is recommended for people with oily skin.

草本抗荳面膜 Herbaceous Anti-Acne Mask

(Herbaceous Anti-Acne Mask)

- Control sebum secretions

- Tightens and minimizes pores

绿茶意仁嫩白净痘面膜 Green Tea Barley Extract Mask


Green Tea in the mask calms and soothes the skin, especially when it’s red and irritated. Barley works as a whitener, whitens and removes pigmentation caused by the harmful UV lights from the sun- the lack of sunblock! This mask also contains many other goodies that minimizes pores, softens and hydrate the skin. This is similar to Azulen, it is suitable for sensitive skin.

葡萄籽亮白喚膚面膜 Grape Seed Extract Mask

肌膚明亮、緊緻有彈性 ,長期使用能延緩細紋滋生 ,有很好的保溼效果,能留住肌膚水分, 減緩乾性肌膚缺水乾燥的現象, 重現飽滿豐潤的膚質,精華液成分, 讓肌膚水嫩嫩,光滑的留不住細紋
Grape seeds contain a huge amount of anti-oxidants, providing the skin a platform of regeneration and growth, thereby promoting increased skin elasticity and achieve an anti-aging effect.

海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 Deep Ocean Water Mask

The Deep Ocean mask contains many rich micro mineral substances that supplies the skin with nutrients and moisturizes the skin.

薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 Collagen + Menthol Extract Mask

薄 荷腦是由植物提煉出來的成份,具清涼效果及止痛功能,氣味清爽可以提神天然植物薄荷配方,清涼醒膚,讓肌膚不乾燥,讓你在炎炎夏日中同時享受清並添加高含 量膠原蛋白,含高效保濕因子,能預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生,具改善及更生膚質,供給肌膚養分,達到柔皙效果,讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙的膚色

The Collagen Menthol Extract mask controls sebum secretion, repairs and restores skin structures. As it controls sebum secretion, it is suitable for people with oily skin.

燕窩與膠原蛋白 Bird Nest +Collagen Mask


Bird’s Nest is the best essence anyone can have on their face! This gem locks the skin’s moisture content, prevents wrinkles, strengthens metabolism function and thereby improving skin elasticity.

角质深层洁净面膜 Bacillus Ferment Mask

安抚,镇定,预防粉刺。加速肌膚新陳代謝,更新老廢角質,促進有效成分吸收, 全方位改善肌膚問題,使肌膚保持晶瑩剔透,白皙自然的膚色. 适合膚色暗淡者使用
The Bacillus Ferment Mask is a deep cleansing mask that helps to increase the skin’s metabolism, improving cell regeneration and complexion.

蘆薈維他命E面膜 Aloe Extract Mask

添 加大量天然蘆薈濃縮精華液,蘆薈含有多種人體所需之珍貴胺基酸、蛋白質、維生素等元素長期使用可以活化肌膚,具有高度保濕修護功能並促進新陳代謝,營養滋 潤作用,加速新陳代謝,減少細紋。可有效預防乾燥,以及粗糙老化現象產生,供給肌膚養分,溫和調理敏感肌膚、安撫紓緩效果。軟化皮膚,減緩日曬後不適,使 肌膚晶瑩剔透,恢復肌膚健康活力,提升肌膚光滑細緻。維他命e為一種重要的抗氧化劑能保持皮膚的水亮白皙,增加皮膚的穩定性,能夠更有效的讓肌膚吸收,發 揮更加優澤的潤白效果,讓肌膚呈現白皙透亮的膚色,使臉部膚質更具光滑,輕鬆還妳明亮肌膚!!

The Aloe Extract Mask contains aloe vera and Vitamin E extracts. Vitamin E helps to lighten skin pigmentation, returning the skin with glow and radiance. Aloe Vera provides ample hydration for the face, reduces aging effect and improves skin elasticity.

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